Wednesday, December 13, 2006

First Day Part 2...

Our next stop was at Meklit's orphanage. She goes to public school, and gets back at ~4 p.m. so we were there to meet her. She is shy too, so I played it safe and squatted down a few feet from her and said hello. I don't think she knew I was coming, and she was very quiet and shy.

We met Sidisse, thanked her for allowing us to have Meklit with us for the night, and left for the guest house. Because of the embassy appointment the next day, Meklit had to miss school anyway, so Sidisse let her stay with us that night. A good start to breaking the ice with her.

We played for a while, and then went to dinner with Denise and some of the others staying at the guest house, just around the corner at Absynnia . Sitting down at our end of the table, sharing a platter of injera, shiro, tibs and Mirinda with my 2 girls was the best end of a first day together I could have imagined.

Well, not quite the end. We then walked to Layla for one last visit that day, and another top off on the love tank. Those kids know how to kiss cheeks. Meklit had her high heeled sandals so I carried her back to the guest house piggy bag, and about half way there felt her head resting firmly on my back. She was out like a light, and slept the rest of the night without moving I think. Pretty emotional day for all of us.

Marta and I played a game or two of Uno with the Dillon boys, and then called it a night ourselves. I remember my prayer as I lay there on the mattress on the floor that night, simple but sincere - thanks God.


Thankfulmom said...

Thank you for sharing your story. Keep it coming.

Anonymous said...

Wow, thanks for sharing. I'm hanging on every word!

chel said...

oh Rich, that's beautiful! chel