Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Our Sweet Girl

It has been nearly 2 months since we left Meklit, and I am thinking that in the next couple weeks we will get word that I can go and bring her home.

That is the very glass is half full side of me talking, but it sounds really good to me. We were thinking all along that it would be about 2 months, and have been praying it would be no more than that, so we are ready God - just have them give us a call...


Kaitlyn said...

I am so praying that you will get that call soon. The not knowing when is soooo hard! She is so beautiful! :)So is your ferinj wife.

owlhaven said...

Praying you get the good news soon!!


5KidMom said...

I'm praying too!

Nadine said...

My prayers are with you all.