Sunday, June 08, 2008

Cup Of Sorrow

I read a couple articles at BBC News today about Ethiopia's food shortage.

We talk so much about the price of food and gas in the US these days, and I confess amidst my complaints that none of my 11 children has skipped a meal. We in the US are so privileged and sheltered from the realities of life in the world that I think we must be intentional to seek out information about what is really going on.

The world has gotten much smaller these past few years, but only if we choose to pay attention and open our eyes.

'For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home.
I was naked, and you gave me clothing. I was sick, and you cared for me. I was in prison, and you visited me.' Mat 25:35-36


Carrie said...

So good to see you back, and to get a glimpse of how things are going! You have been missed... Your thoughts and experiences were instrumental in getting me to Layla - thank you. It is so good to hear that life is full and going well for you all!


Carol said...

I really enjoyed your kids in VBS this week! You are a blessing and inspiration to so many...

Carrie said...

I know you are busy with life (I can only imagine how busy!). But I wanted to let you know that I just nominated you for the diamond blogger award because your blog has meant a lot to me!

--Carrie at

Southern Latitudes said...

I have also given you a Brilliant award for being such a beacon of light.


Dave and Rae said...

It's great to see this reminder of what Jesus is asking of us...great stuff.

As a fellow adoptive parent, I thought to write and tell you about the new guest home in Ethiopia specifically for adoptive parents and volunteer groups for the benefit of orphans in Ethiopia. Now that it is up and running, we would love to share the vision with other adoptive parents. You can see more at

If you would like to post a link, send me an email at and I’ll forward you the information.


Dave McIlrath, MA
Orphan Advocate
Ethiopia Guest Home
More Than a Place to Stay

MelDownard said...

I think this is the Lisa I saw in the pediatric dentist office a few weeks ago? I was the one with the screaming kid (adopted from Haiti) that you and your daughter were so amused with!! I came across this link from another blog and was amazed - what a small world! I would LOVE to talk with you some more. My email is
My daughter is, ummm, "challenging" us a lot right now - I could use some advice from the more experienced!
Melanie Downard