Saturday, June 07, 2008

Jen Lemen

Last night I watched Hotel Rwanda for the first time. Wow.

This morning I was checking out blogs. Something I used to do on a regular basis, but with my new study schedule I rarely go there these days. Anyway, I found a new one that fanned long smoldering embers in my heart, and the most recent posts on that blog were about Rwanda. Hmmm...

Jen Lemen is the blogger, and while her story is about much more than just Rwanda, that is certainly a passion of hers. She just returned from Rwanda, and shares her stories of Goreth, Grace, Lillian, Innocent, Odette, Esther and others.

Go check it out, you won't be sorry. But don't just expect it to be a good read. It inspires tears, questions and action.

1 comment:

chel said...

It's great to see you back writing. I hope things are smoothing out and everyone is finding their "groove".