Wednesday is Embassy day if you are going with AAI, so that is what was planned for the afternoon. Gail came by the guest house early to finish paperwork, and we filled the morning with a trip to Opportunity House, which is AAI's new house for most of their special needs kids. Most of these kids were at Layla on my last trips, and I wanted to make sure we got over there to see them all.
Then we found the kitchen and I finally got to do what I have been wondering about for such a long time - making injera. The mothers in the kitchen were great, and let me watch/help. My try at pouring the batter turned out a little on the ugly side (pretty lumpy) but I am still proud.
Awesome injera! :)
All your stories make me want to book a flight and visit the country myself... someday! :)
Is that last picture little Hirut? We looked into adopting her and I was wondering how she was doing. If you wouldn't mind emailing me offline I would love to hear how she is progressing.
We too are in Washinton State when I saw your shirt that said PSE I was like ....oh thats here! We are in Olympia and came home with our little daughter in August,we would love to get to know more Ethiopians in the comminity if you are close??!! check us out at
Take Care, and wonderful family the Lord has blessed your socks off!
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