One week ago today I took Marta, Terefu, Samuel and Josiah to Seattle, where we spent the night with Rich & Julie Hehn. We had a great visit with their wonderful family, and I have gross pictures of Rich's ankle and a hilarious short video of Julie that I am sworn to never post so I have to honor that.
Her plane was a couple hours late due to the wind storm that hit Seattle that day, so we got in a visit at the Seattle Science Center while we waited.
It was great to see her and hold her, and her reunion with Sammy and the rest of us that know her was good too. Her trip was really good, and Susan said it was her best escort experience to date - Rebekah is invited to go with her next time she needs to escort little ones home. They brought a baby as far as DC, and Rebekah did a great job of taking care of the little one so Susan says she is always welcome to travel with her.
Now we are all settling in as a family of 13. Lisa says this is like throwing a bunch of sharp knives in a drawer, working the sharp edges off each other over time. By God's grace it will be a short time.
There have been some emotional times, but not very many and they were all handled so well by the kids. Oh what a difference it makes when they just let their emotions out in tears rather than spewing anger at the rest of us.
Surely there is more to come, gentle tears and spewing, but that is all part of this process we are in of taking off sharp edges.
Praying for you all!
Mary, mom to 10
Congrats on finally having them all home together - much to be thankful for! Good luck on an amazing holiday season!!
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