Thursday, August 03, 2006

Destination Ethiopia

I read a great blog this morning written by Denise Baker, who is an intern volunteer for AAI (our adoption agency) at Layla House, where Marta is. Her first post is long, covers her first month there, and is really good. The blog is Destination Ethiopia, and is well worth the reading time. Just go to the blog, and click on the "Read" link to get to the full post.

Denise is really a good writer, which makes for entertaining reading through much of what is her daily life stuff working over there. But the parts that got me were the happy and sad encounters that she has with the people in Ethiopia, mostly being children. After reading it I am sitting here with a very uncomfortable feeling, and trying not to let the feelings of sadness overtake me. When I think of my girls being there, it just makes me ache, and injects me with a sense of urgency to get them home.

Then I have to think about the other kids who are there, and I quickly can see how people like Julie and Julee and their families have adopted so many children (25 and 20 kids total in each of those families). There is so much need that it can seem overwhelming, and I haven't been there yet. I can't imagine what a wreck I will be after being there looking into the eyes of these kids.


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